Saturday 23 April 2011

By Popular Demand....seperated at birth

Friday 22 April 2011

What happens in Vegas...

 I have been procrastinating for the last few day over how to finish up the old bloggeroo...(sorry back in Australia now and have already had two meat pies and am saying words like bloggeroo and crikey again...Is bloggeroo even a word? is now)...anyways...the last couple of days in vegas we gave up being tourists and trying to see everything and just decided to relax.  Donated a small amount of money to a local card game emporium, lounged around by the pool and basically just enjoyed the fact that we could wear shorts for the first time in a long time.

The trip home didn't feel like it was quite as long as the trip over...I think it was because we slept for most of the flight.  I know they showed like 5 movies on the plane and I only remember what two of them were so I think I was asleep most of the trip...either actually asleep or pretending to be asleep so I didn't have to talk to the Gabitron...don't tell her I said that or I will get into trouble.

I still haven't decided how I am going to finish the blog..maybe I just won't finish and talk rubbish every couple of days about nothing in particular..who knows.

Anyways...I will decide what I am doing with the blog in a day or two...having too much fun getting reacquainted with my couch...and my shower..and my bed...and vanilla coke with actual sugar in it and not corn syrup..and meat pies form the North Adelaide many silly little things about home that you miss when you are gone isn't there?

I really should get on the phone and let Mum know that I am home safely...I might just have to tell her that my plane just arrived...I am sure she would be thrilled that I have been home for he best part of four days and haven't let her know we are home....:)

Friday 15 April 2011

Just a quick one...unless I go on like I normally do

Another classic holiday day...a little sleep in (we kind of slept through breakfast..oh well) and then drove from LA to Las Vegas.  Checked into our suite...very the length of three walls with views of all the pretty lights.

We went out to see "Arcade Fire" tonight (For James benefit, they are a band that has released music since 1992).  I splashed out and got tickets in a VIP section.  Got to love going to see one of your favourite bands sitting down in a booth above the stage with table service.  I think it is the way that all concerts should having to stand around on a hard concrete floor for hours on end making your back sore or put up with that one chick who is always trying to dance even though there is in no way enough room to be throwing your arms around like a ninnie.

The show was absolutely amazing...oh..the back up band was great too...Greg check out a band called "Local Natives" I think you will like them.

Thursday 14 April 2011

No I don't want a freaking star map!!!!

Had low expectations for today but ended up being a really great day.  We drove down to Holly wood to look at the Kodak Theatre where the Oscars are etc, and all the stars on the street.  The only star I found was a guy that looked like Tubbsy, gladly he stood still long enough for us to take a photo.  We then dropped the top on our Mustang and drove around Beverly Hills looking at some of the crazy houses.  On to a spot of shopping along Rodeo drive.  The Gabitron picked herself up three very nice dresses. They all look amazing on her and now she can't wait to wear them out.

Last night we went to our last basketball game of the trip.  Saw Gabi's boy Blake Griffin score a triple double (by botching a putback and making one rebound into two on the final play of the game).  It was great fun.  Last game of the season for the Clips and they were in party mode. I have fed you way too many basketball stories in the last few days so i wont go on with anymore.  The only thing I will say is if I lived in LA I would definitely be a part of Clipper Nation over being a Lakers fan...

Gabi has just popped into the shower and then we are packing and hitting the road to Vegas...I am sure we will be able to find a place for Gabi to wear her dresses there.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

I missed a day didn't I?

Monday we spent the day strolling around the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. They have a whole bunch of fish there, then I believe that is the idea.  After the aquarium we had a little rest. It is quite tiring being a tourist.  We headed back to the little Italian restaurant for dinner...they have these Chicago style pizza.  They are basically like a meat pie but with really thin pizza dough.  The main ingredients for the pizza are in the middle of the pie (in this case Mushrooms, Broccoli, Cheese, Italian Sausage) then a layer of pizza dough and then the pizza sauce.  I have no idea how it hasn't caught on outside of Chicago because it was sooooo nice.

We flew out of Chicago yesterday feeling like there was so much we have missed.  Next time..

We spent most of yesterday travelling from Chicago to LA then last night went to see the Spurs play the Lakers.  It was a little bit disappointing (actually quite a bunch disappointing) when I looked down and saw Duncan and Ginobli in a suit and not their uniforms. (Parker suited up but didn't play either).  My disappointment in not seeing those guys play was somewhat eased when the 5 scrubs that the Spurs unleashed on the Lakers had the lead with 5 minutes to go before the Lakers finally came through to win.  The Lakers fans were carrying on like they had just won the championship when really all they did was beat the Austin Torros (and looked like they were going to get done most of the night).  It was a weird night in all really.  The way the Lakers presented the game was over the top and "hollywoodie", that much I expected.  what I didn't expect is leaving feeling like you had just sat through a 2 hour add for all the companies that care to sponsor the Lakers.  It sort of felt like for the most part the basketball was getting in the way of what they were trying to do for the advertisers.  I much preferred the actually felt like I was at a basketball game and not a concert.  Speaking of concerts...night after next I am going to see one of my favourite bands in Las Vegas...very excited.

Gabi is having a big long sleep in today...(I did say it was tiring being a tourist, that and she is feeling a little off colour).  I am going to head downstairs and take a few shots on the full size basketball court they have here.  We are staying at the LA Athletic Club, which is basically three floors of hotels built on an exclusive gym that was opened in the 1913.  Think a 12 floor art deco members lounge, like the one at the old MCG but with a pool and a Basketball court.  Anyways...every year they give out the John Wooden award here for the best college basketball was given out just a few days before we arrived actually.  It is sitting down in the lobby.  There is memorabilia from all the UCLA glory days when Wooden was coaching...It is really cool (Strange the things that I think are cool...but we move on).  We have really lucked into some really unique hotels on our trip actually.  I had no idea about the basketball significance of this place when I booked it online from home...I simply booked it because it was close to where we needed to be for the games we are seeing while we are here.  Anyway..I have gone on for far to long about not much at all.  Off to shoot some hoops.  :)

Sunday 10 April 2011

James...tell Hope that Gabi and I are thinking of her and her sore elbow

Segway tour...there is no looking good in a stackhat..none

Me pretending to Ice skate on a Ice rink with no Ice on it

The view from our Hotel window

Fluffikin Bearwalker..(don't ask)
 Have been having a ball in Chicago.  If you are ever planning a trip and trying to decide which cities to visit and Chicago isn't one of them...then make it one of them (depending on the time of year you are coming of course because talking to the locals no one wants to be here in winter because it is stupid cold).  We spent yesterday strolling around, found our way to Navy Pier where the Gabitron made herself a teddy bear (one day the both of us will become adults but not on the cards just yet it appears). 

Today we took a tour of the city on a Segway...great fun (I think it would work so well in Adelaide..imagine cruising along the Torrens, up to Montifore Hill, up past the Zoo etc etc...anyone wanting to put up some capital and get into the Adelaide Segway Tour Company on the ground level let me know).  The weather today was beyond perfect (although I might just be saying that because it is the first day in a month were shorts have been a viable option). 

Flavour of the day: food court Roast Chicken...seriously..soooo tender and juicy, the food in Chicago has been top shelf all around.  We went to this great Italian restaurant last night, line out the door, put your name on a list come back in 45 minutes popular but worth the wait ten times over.   Actually...two flavours of the day.  The Strawberry Smoothie that I had on the 96th floor of the John Hancock Building...check Gabis facebook for pictures from the ladies bathroom up there...ridiculous view (for the record the mens room has no view but does have a Dyson hand dryer which I have never used and was left out of a conversation the other day when we were out with Crockett the other day...if only I could have used the Dyson a few days earlier I could have made an informed contribution).

We spent the night in tonight...MASSIVE storm on its way and we didn't want to get stuck in it..going to spend tomorrow on a river cruise and at the permitting.

Friday 8 April 2011

Me,Nique and the Indiana Pacers

Apologies in advance for everyone reading this that doesn't know a bunch about aren't going to find this particularly interesting. (I would suggest that even those interested in basketball might not find it that entertaining either). 

Just got back to the hotel after the walk back from the Conseco fieldhouse.  Had some great seats.  Wore my Al Horford jersey which got me a wave from Al during warm ups which was pretty cool.  Messed around with the new lens i got for my camera the other day, got some pretty good shots from where we were sitting.  Had Nique hang out at the bottom of the tunnel about 10 feet from where I was sitting. Hawks lost...No Josh Smith which was a bit disappointing but overall a super night.

Tomorrow we head up to Chicago for a few nights then on to LA..looking forward to Blake Griffin v the Memphis Grizzlies....should be good.

"It's a garage y' don' goin' shut"....we had no idea either

Crockett, Milton (Crocketts brother in law visiting from the UK) and I celebrated Miltons first day in the States by doing something quintessentially American..heading to the baseball.  We got the best seats in the house...not close to the action but close to the all you can eat hot dogs.  There are no surprises for guessing what sort of people decide to sit in the "All you can eat" section at the baseball...good times..good times.  Crock and Milton left me out to dry at one point when I got talking to this bloke who carries baseballs that he has caught in previous games around with him to all the other games and took great in telling me exactly when he caught them and how...oh..and detailing his plan on expanding the MLB into Australia..I didn't have the heart to tell him that we already have a summer sport that kind of has the market covered in the "when is something going to happen but I can't stop watching because when I do something will happen and I will miss it" type summer sport. 

After the baseball we gave the girls a prizes for guessing where they were...I think I got out of it only cost me a couple of pair of shoes.  It is now official...I am not allowed to buy anything else because there is no more room in either of our suitcases.  Anyways...the boys decided we would explore Cincinnati, walked a few blocks from the stadium and found the dodgy neighbourhood...that was fun. 

For dinner we crossed the river into Kentucky to eat at a German beer I am not sure what is wrong with that sentence either but it seemed wrong to me too. We came back home and played pool until the wee hours and have now slept in...plans have changed for today..we were going to drive to Indianapolis via Louisville and up through the Hoosier state park...but we have decided to spend a few extra hours with Crock and Christie and little Sarah and cut 4 hours off the drive today....going to French Lick will have to wait until next trip to the states...:)

Very much looking forward to tonight....Hawks v Pacers in a meaningless end of season game between two teams that have nothing to gain from winning or losing...why am I looking forward to it so much again?

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Greg...did you happen to lock both locks on the door when you left the house...because we only have a key to the Deadbolt

Sarah and Gabi...clucky anyone?

The Sun came out in Dayton today.  Yesterday we had what has been standard fare on this trip. Any combination of snow, rain, sleet or all of them at the same time.  Actually that isn't altogether fair, we have had some nice days as well.  Yesterday the Gabitron and I spent the day out in the various malls around Dayton.  I bought a couple of pairs of shoes (like i need anymore shoes) and Gabi had fun adding to her winter wardrobe and ridiculously reduced summer is around the corner here prices.  

Today Crockett and I sat around the house in the morning watching a movie..just like old times back at Mundulla Ave.  The girls headed out to a ladies morning tea.  After their return we headed out to the National Airforce Museum.  Very impressive museum.  We saw the B-29 that dropped the fatboy on Nagasaki, A stealth bomber, A Blackbird, a bunch of Migs, F14's, F-111's (yes Australian air force they belong in a museum not on active duty) anyway I won't bore you with all the details because I am sure you all aren't as interested in planes as I am.  Suffice to say I enjoyed it.  Four massive hangers of aviation history all the way from the Wright Brothers (their first flight was right here in Dayton) all the way to the F22 Raptor. (Okay I admit it i am a bit of a plane nerd...not an "all the way build model planes, plane nerd" but a "spot a F15 across a crowded hanger and get mildly excited" plane nerd)

Christie is off collecting her sister and brother in law from the airport.  Tomorrow the plan is to head into Cincinnati.  The girls plan to hit the shops while the boys catch a baseball game.  Crockett and I found these tickets on the web...all you can eat hot dog and chips free with the baseball...doesn't get much better then that does it?

Tuesday 5 April 2011

I will buy it for is your money anyway.

Really feel like I am on holidays now...sleeping in again.  Had a good night last night, a lovely meal then settled on to the couch to watch the final of the college basketball.  We were all "rooting" for Butler but I am afraid all fairy tales don't have a happy ending.  Was definitely one of the scrappiest, ugliest shooting games I have seen outside of women's B grade on a Monday night (there i said it).  There was a massive amount of rain here yesterday so we went to the mall. (I am not sure how those two things correlate but that is what happened and in an effort to save myself a paragraph explaining both I joined them up). 

The mall was fun.  A bit weird though, not a lot of variety just 7 of each type of shop. Obviously the obligatory 17 phone shops but also 9 sports stores which I couldn't really figure out. Most of the people that were in the mall didn't really look all that much in to sports.  Oh, there was a shop that Gabi enjoyed, It was this shop that had formal dresses for less then she could buy the fabric for in Australia.

In the afternoon the Gabitron and I decided we would explore the Supermarket.  You should see the size of this thing. It was incredible..and stupid cheap.  In fact most groceries here are crazy cheap. I was feeling guilty of drinking all of Crocketts Pepsi but then got to the shop to replace it and found out it was 25c a can i didn't feel so bad anymore.  Gabi and I were literally kids in a candy store yesterday when we were stocking up on snacks for last nights game. 

Crockett and I are talking about heading down to Cincinnati to watch a baseball game on Wednesday..have to check to see what time they are playing if it doesn't work out we will go on Thursday after we finish at the theme park. mmmm...theme park

Will put some pics of me and Super Sarah up on the blog in a day or so...the camera is up stairs and I am to lazy to go and get it right now.

Sunday 3 April 2011

I'm not sure why you would want a fake moustache either

Went out to Yellow Springs today which is a little collection of streets parading as a little hippy village. Think Hahndorf but replace the German flag with tie dyed tshirts.  Had some awesome pancakes at the Sunshine Cafe. On the menu they were listed as Vicki pancakes because one of the customers used to just let the chef decide what she had in her the idea is you order these Vicki pancakes and chef decides what is in them...turns out that pancakes with blueberries, pecans and chocolate chips are really nice.

Speaking of really nice...Crockett told me why all of the soft drink tastes terrible over here.  Corn Syrup Fructose.  None of the "soda" has cane sugar in it so it all tastes like diet drink...horrible in a word.  So to buck the trend Pepsi released 'Pepsi Throwback'..with REAL sugar...only in and improved back to the way you like it.

Animals that I have seen out of the back window today.
A Cardinal
Lots of other birds that i don't know what they are...that is the official name of all of them I am sure.
Update...just saw a fox with 5 cubs...sooooooo cute, I want one.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Let's go little Charger!!

Now that was a loooooong drive. 550 odd miles...that's miles people, not kilometres.  We had it all on the trip...Started out with a bit of sleet, drove up the hill into some excellent fog. Visibility down to about 10 metres..then further up the hill had a nice smattering of snow..on the way down the hill, driving much for an easy drive.  I have grown fond of the Charger. I have parked it next to Crocketts Pontiac is like a little muscle car showroom downstairs.  I will update you more in the next few days.  We have just had dinner and now I have taken over the TV to watch the big basketball game...will defenilty sleep well tonight. Did I mention the long drive?

Friday 1 April 2011

Phillies win on opening is a big deal here trust me

Flavour of day: Snickerdoodle  (for those of you not in the know they are a cookie)

Today marked the start of our road trip.  The first leg of the trip was from Washington to Doylestown, PA to visit the Burgans.  Have had a great day looking around Graemes' new home town, I can see why he chose to settle here. It kind of reminds me of Bridgewater but without the gum trees.  Janine is cooking up smells fantastic.  Burgs is taking his half Australian - half American accent out to the store to pick us up some cheese for starters.  It has been great catching up with Burgs today..great when you have those friends that you can see once in a blue moon and it is like you saw them yesterday.  It has been more fun ribbing him about his little twang though...having me around is making him sound very American.

I wasn't sure that I was going to make it out of Maryland between the questionable directions from the GPS and the Gabitron adding her own even more questionable interperetations.  It lead to one or two little detours but all is well that ends well.  Having fun in the car...we have a Dodge Charger, kind of cool to be cruising the states in a classically American car...I do miss the Mini though.

Oh...forgot to update you about yesterday....basically ducked in and out of galleries and museums all day, then at night we went on an evening tour of some of the big was sooooooo cold.  I thought my nose was going to fall off...happy to say it is still very much still attached.  Oh yeah, we also took a tour in the morning up around the embassies...and stood in line to see a few old bits of paper which was actually alot cooler then I just made it sound.

Big drive tomorrow...