Wednesday 13 April 2011

I missed a day didn't I?

Monday we spent the day strolling around the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. They have a whole bunch of fish there, then I believe that is the idea.  After the aquarium we had a little rest. It is quite tiring being a tourist.  We headed back to the little Italian restaurant for dinner...they have these Chicago style pizza.  They are basically like a meat pie but with really thin pizza dough.  The main ingredients for the pizza are in the middle of the pie (in this case Mushrooms, Broccoli, Cheese, Italian Sausage) then a layer of pizza dough and then the pizza sauce.  I have no idea how it hasn't caught on outside of Chicago because it was sooooo nice.

We flew out of Chicago yesterday feeling like there was so much we have missed.  Next time..

We spent most of yesterday travelling from Chicago to LA then last night went to see the Spurs play the Lakers.  It was a little bit disappointing (actually quite a bunch disappointing) when I looked down and saw Duncan and Ginobli in a suit and not their uniforms. (Parker suited up but didn't play either).  My disappointment in not seeing those guys play was somewhat eased when the 5 scrubs that the Spurs unleashed on the Lakers had the lead with 5 minutes to go before the Lakers finally came through to win.  The Lakers fans were carrying on like they had just won the championship when really all they did was beat the Austin Torros (and looked like they were going to get done most of the night).  It was a weird night in all really.  The way the Lakers presented the game was over the top and "hollywoodie", that much I expected.  what I didn't expect is leaving feeling like you had just sat through a 2 hour add for all the companies that care to sponsor the Lakers.  It sort of felt like for the most part the basketball was getting in the way of what they were trying to do for the advertisers.  I much preferred the actually felt like I was at a basketball game and not a concert.  Speaking of concerts...night after next I am going to see one of my favourite bands in Las Vegas...very excited.

Gabi is having a big long sleep in today...(I did say it was tiring being a tourist, that and she is feeling a little off colour).  I am going to head downstairs and take a few shots on the full size basketball court they have here.  We are staying at the LA Athletic Club, which is basically three floors of hotels built on an exclusive gym that was opened in the 1913.  Think a 12 floor art deco members lounge, like the one at the old MCG but with a pool and a Basketball court.  Anyways...every year they give out the John Wooden award here for the best college basketball was given out just a few days before we arrived actually.  It is sitting down in the lobby.  There is memorabilia from all the UCLA glory days when Wooden was coaching...It is really cool (Strange the things that I think are cool...but we move on).  We have really lucked into some really unique hotels on our trip actually.  I had no idea about the basketball significance of this place when I booked it online from home...I simply booked it because it was close to where we needed to be for the games we are seeing while we are here.  Anyway..I have gone on for far to long about not much at all.  Off to shoot some hoops.  :)


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