Friday 1 April 2011

Phillies win on opening is a big deal here trust me

Flavour of day: Snickerdoodle  (for those of you not in the know they are a cookie)

Today marked the start of our road trip.  The first leg of the trip was from Washington to Doylestown, PA to visit the Burgans.  Have had a great day looking around Graemes' new home town, I can see why he chose to settle here. It kind of reminds me of Bridgewater but without the gum trees.  Janine is cooking up smells fantastic.  Burgs is taking his half Australian - half American accent out to the store to pick us up some cheese for starters.  It has been great catching up with Burgs today..great when you have those friends that you can see once in a blue moon and it is like you saw them yesterday.  It has been more fun ribbing him about his little twang though...having me around is making him sound very American.

I wasn't sure that I was going to make it out of Maryland between the questionable directions from the GPS and the Gabitron adding her own even more questionable interperetations.  It lead to one or two little detours but all is well that ends well.  Having fun in the car...we have a Dodge Charger, kind of cool to be cruising the states in a classically American car...I do miss the Mini though.

Oh...forgot to update you about yesterday....basically ducked in and out of galleries and museums all day, then at night we went on an evening tour of some of the big was sooooooo cold.  I thought my nose was going to fall off...happy to say it is still very much still attached.  Oh yeah, we also took a tour in the morning up around the embassies...and stood in line to see a few old bits of paper which was actually alot cooler then I just made it sound.

Big drive tomorrow...


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