Wednesday 6 April 2011

Greg...did you happen to lock both locks on the door when you left the house...because we only have a key to the Deadbolt

Sarah and Gabi...clucky anyone?

The Sun came out in Dayton today.  Yesterday we had what has been standard fare on this trip. Any combination of snow, rain, sleet or all of them at the same time.  Actually that isn't altogether fair, we have had some nice days as well.  Yesterday the Gabitron and I spent the day out in the various malls around Dayton.  I bought a couple of pairs of shoes (like i need anymore shoes) and Gabi had fun adding to her winter wardrobe and ridiculously reduced summer is around the corner here prices.  

Today Crockett and I sat around the house in the morning watching a movie..just like old times back at Mundulla Ave.  The girls headed out to a ladies morning tea.  After their return we headed out to the National Airforce Museum.  Very impressive museum.  We saw the B-29 that dropped the fatboy on Nagasaki, A stealth bomber, A Blackbird, a bunch of Migs, F14's, F-111's (yes Australian air force they belong in a museum not on active duty) anyway I won't bore you with all the details because I am sure you all aren't as interested in planes as I am.  Suffice to say I enjoyed it.  Four massive hangers of aviation history all the way from the Wright Brothers (their first flight was right here in Dayton) all the way to the F22 Raptor. (Okay I admit it i am a bit of a plane nerd...not an "all the way build model planes, plane nerd" but a "spot a F15 across a crowded hanger and get mildly excited" plane nerd)

Christie is off collecting her sister and brother in law from the airport.  Tomorrow the plan is to head into Cincinnati.  The girls plan to hit the shops while the boys catch a baseball game.  Crockett and I found these tickets on the web...all you can eat hot dog and chips free with the baseball...doesn't get much better then that does it?


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