Friday 15 April 2011

Just a quick one...unless I go on like I normally do

Another classic holiday day...a little sleep in (we kind of slept through breakfast..oh well) and then drove from LA to Las Vegas.  Checked into our suite...very the length of three walls with views of all the pretty lights.

We went out to see "Arcade Fire" tonight (For James benefit, they are a band that has released music since 1992).  I splashed out and got tickets in a VIP section.  Got to love going to see one of your favourite bands sitting down in a booth above the stage with table service.  I think it is the way that all concerts should having to stand around on a hard concrete floor for hours on end making your back sore or put up with that one chick who is always trying to dance even though there is in no way enough room to be throwing your arms around like a ninnie.

The show was absolutely amazing...oh..the back up band was great too...Greg check out a band called "Local Natives" I think you will like them.


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