Sunday 3 April 2011

I'm not sure why you would want a fake moustache either

Went out to Yellow Springs today which is a little collection of streets parading as a little hippy village. Think Hahndorf but replace the German flag with tie dyed tshirts.  Had some awesome pancakes at the Sunshine Cafe. On the menu they were listed as Vicki pancakes because one of the customers used to just let the chef decide what she had in her the idea is you order these Vicki pancakes and chef decides what is in them...turns out that pancakes with blueberries, pecans and chocolate chips are really nice.

Speaking of really nice...Crockett told me why all of the soft drink tastes terrible over here.  Corn Syrup Fructose.  None of the "soda" has cane sugar in it so it all tastes like diet drink...horrible in a word.  So to buck the trend Pepsi released 'Pepsi Throwback'..with REAL sugar...only in and improved back to the way you like it.

Animals that I have seen out of the back window today.
A Cardinal
Lots of other birds that i don't know what they are...that is the official name of all of them I am sure.
Update...just saw a fox with 5 cubs...sooooooo cute, I want one.


At 4 April 2011 at 01:59 , Blogger Grito said...

Hey champ and champette!! Hope things are rocking along...we are absolutely loving reading the blog. Just a note to let you know I am taking you up on the car offer. Will take care of your baby =)

Keep on truckin'!


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