Tuesday 5 April 2011

I will buy it for you.......it is your money anyway.

Really feel like I am on holidays now...sleeping in again.  Had a good night last night, a lovely meal then settled on to the couch to watch the final of the college basketball.  We were all "rooting" for Butler but I am afraid all fairy tales don't have a happy ending.  Was definitely one of the scrappiest, ugliest shooting games I have seen outside of women's B grade on a Monday night (there i said it).  There was a massive amount of rain here yesterday so we went to the mall. (I am not sure how those two things correlate but that is what happened and in an effort to save myself a paragraph explaining both I joined them up). 

The mall was fun.  A bit weird though, not a lot of variety just 7 of each type of shop. Obviously the obligatory 17 phone shops but also 9 sports stores which I couldn't really figure out. Most of the people that were in the mall didn't really look all that much in to sports.  Oh, there was a shop that Gabi enjoyed, It was this shop that had formal dresses for less then she could buy the fabric for in Australia.

In the afternoon the Gabitron and I decided we would explore the Supermarket.  You should see the size of this thing. It was incredible..and stupid cheap.  In fact most groceries here are crazy cheap. I was feeling guilty of drinking all of Crocketts Pepsi but then got to the shop to replace it and found out it was 25c a can i didn't feel so bad anymore.  Gabi and I were literally kids in a candy store yesterday when we were stocking up on snacks for last nights game. 

Crockett and I are talking about heading down to Cincinnati to watch a baseball game on Wednesday..have to check to see what time they are playing if it doesn't work out we will go on Thursday after we finish at the theme park. mmmm...theme park

Will put some pics of me and Super Sarah up on the blog in a day or so...the camera is up stairs and I am to lazy to go and get it right now.


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