Thursday 24 March 2011

You Muppet!!

What a busy, busy day....

First stop...get our Art on at the Museum of Modern Art..four floors chock full of Picassos, Van Goghs, Warhols, Pollacks and a whole bunch of other things that the Gabitron knows a whole bunch more about then I do.

A spot of shopping along 5th Ave where I got all of you who thought I was a Muppet are kind of right. Was great fun creating a fabric clone...."I shall call him Muppet Me!!" 

We meandered around Central Park for about an hour longer then we thought we would...short cut indeed!

Oh...forgot...we also went to the Top of the Rockefeller our skyscraper on...I took a wonderful photo of the Empire State Building...I am glad I did..I am not sure anyone else has taken a photo of it...would hate for no one to have a pic of it.

Tonight we eerily took advice before it was given...We set out this morning to get tickets to a Broadway show..the Gabitron really, really, really, really wanted to see the musical Wicked (five basketball games in a month I think i can sit through a musical, am i right boys?)..  Anyways, turns out there were only 2 tickets left to Wicked in the next long story short, 4th Row centre to see Wicked...Sat next to a lovely couple all the way from a strange place called Australia...all in all a good absolutley amazing Show and a great way to finish an absolutley epic day.

Not quite sure how I am going to get Muppet Me home in my suitcase yet...but that is a problem for another day.


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