Thursday 31 March 2011

Where in Australia? ......I have a mother from there......Oh really?

Had a great night last night.  Wizards v Heat.  LeBron, Wade, Bosh and John Wall...well until a scuffle broke out and John Wall got tossed before half time.  Was great to see the guys from the Heat...they are just a level above anyone else.  Oh...I have maintained that a dunk by Al from my thursday night team was the best dunk i have seen live, sorry Al but a dunk by LeBron in the final quarter last night may have topped it.  I think that LeBron guy could actually make the Thunder squad if he knuckled down and trained hard.

Before the basketball we braved the cold and wandered up to Union station, hoppped on the tourist trolley that scoots around the city and then spent a couple of hours wandering around Arlington Cemetry.  We were on our way out when we got held up by a funeral procession.  It was a pretty sobering time.  It is one thing to see rows upon rows of tombstones but when you see a coffin followed by a train of loved ones it really brings it home just how many people sacrificed so much .

Getting some rest this morning...the combination of the cold weather and long hours of walking has taken it's toll.  A bit of a sniffle and a sore throat...we will survive though.  Having to good a time not to.  We are both looking forward to getting to Crockett and Kristy's in a few days.  We have one more day of sight seeing here. We pick up the car tomorrow and drive up to Scooter Burgans (my old house mate) place up near Philly.  From there we take a looooong dirve to Ohio on saturday to visit my little niece.  Hoping that the snow stays North of where we are driving because I am really not in the mood to find out how easy or hard it is to drive in a snow storm...I suspect it is the latter. 

Catch you all in a few days...if not before


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