Sunday 27 March 2011

Just watching Gabi pack the bags ready for tomorrows trip to Philadelphia.  We spent our last day in New York wandering around Soho and the East Village.   I bought a couple of pairs of Jeans, my favourite jeans sadly didn't make it through their NY adventure...they suffered a terminal, Gabi can't fix them blowout...sad times..sad times.  So anyways..I found a couple of pairs of Jeans, I hope they do the job like my old favourites...they have a lot to live up to.

Tonight we took a walk across the Brooklyn bridge to watch the sunset from the waterside in Brooklyn.  Was really pretty to look at but a little cold...ok a lot cold, like 3 degrees cold.   Gabi is doing a great job with the packing but I think she might need a hand...I probably should help..catch you all with stories from Philadelphia.


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