Wednesday 23 March 2011

Four Seasons in One Day

Does four seasons in one day count if three of them are winter?

Started out the day rugging up and heading out for breakfast at a local diner up on Broadway...took a bit of a detour to stand out in the snow in Riverside Park to pose for a photo.  I was very excited to be in the was the first time I have ever had snow fall on me...I went to the snowfields once when I was a kid but this was completely different...very cool experience.

The next season was again winter...walking thru Central Park in the snow and sleet to the American Museum of Natural History where we had a little taste of Summer in the butterfly exhibit...was nice to getdown to a t-shirt.  I tried to convince Gabi to stay after dark when all the exhibits come to life but she said wasn't keen.

A bit more winter when we had what I would call mini hail onthe way home to the hotel, had a bit of rain aswell...sooo cold. Loved it.

Tonights entertainment was something I had been looking forward to for a long time..Knicks v Magic at Madison Square Garden.  Exactly how I imagined it would be.  Basketball greats scattered through out the stadium (Earl Monroe, Walt Frazier, Bernard King, John Starks, Mark Jackson, a three minute standing ovation when Patrick Ewing was put up on the big screen as well as the morden day greats ofcourse).  Aretha Franklin sitting a few seats up from Spike Lee in the front row.  Knicks fans booing when their team faded away in the fourth with some horrible defense...exactly how I had imagined it.  I think the Gabitron almosthad a better time then I did but it probably has more to do with her crush on Dwight Howard then anything else.

A few galleries tomorrow..maybe catch a broadway show...who knows...soooo much to do so little time.

Until tomorrow...bye


At 24 March 2011 at 16:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

Go and see Wicked! It is, well ... erm ... wicked.
Sorry but it is :-)
Glad you are having a great time. Will miss you when I am back in the Adelaide office on Friday, but at least I can steal your desk Lx


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