Tuesday 29 March 2011

Almost Dodgy

Lots of pics...went a bit camera crazy today.  We rocked up in Washington today in the middle of the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. Basically it is a whole bunch of tourists coming to Washington to look at all the trees that start to blossom..quite pretty really.  One thing I will say about Americans is that they know how to do a good monument.  Can't wait to see Australia catch up and build the Edmund Barton Monument in Canberra...(shame on those of you who have to google Edmund Barton).

Despite the crowds it was a pretty good day.  We got a bit of a scare though when we were pulling up to the hotel in the cab this morning...we turned down the street and there was abandoned building after abandoned building  and we were wondering what sort of dive our hotel might be...turns out the buildings were abandoned because they are knocking them down to build some big fancy hotel there...our hotel is really, really nice, a lovely apartment with a kitchen that Gabi is using to cook up a nice home cooked meal...had great fun in the supermarket looking at the weird and wonderful things you can get here.  You should see the size of the ice cream tubs you can get...love it.   Have to go....Dinner is served...going to catch some more monuments and some of the galleries tomorrow...weather man says some snow is on the way.


At 31 March 2011 at 01:16 , Blogger wayne said...

vic and i wish we were there with you, it sounds fantastic. and we did not have to google eddy barton. love to you both and will see you in may.

At 31 March 2011 at 03:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Edmund Barton was the answer to a question on my citizenship test - so no google required here :-)


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