Friday 25 March 2011

Gabi thought of a crappy title so I am not using it, I am using this instead

Took the opportunity to have a sleep in this morning after a big day yesterday...once we dragged ourselves away from our home delivered omelets (gotta love free delivery from all the local delis and cafes) we took the subway down to the Statten Island ferry to catch some views of the statue of liberty and the city from the water. 

After the nautical shenanigans we dropped by the United Nations to see if we could help out with the whole Libya thing but they seemed like they had things under control so we went on our way.  Oh, speaking of sticking your nose where it isn't needed yesterday when we were adventuring around Central Park we got in the way of a filming for a tv pilot. It was crazy how many people were involved in getting just one shot for a tv show that isn't even approved for airing yet. 

I will leave you with one last thought...Grape flavoured Fanta. 


At 26 March 2011 at 02:31 , Blogger wayne said...

i look forward to your blog, we are so glad your having a such a good time, keep the pics and stories coming. love dad

At 26 March 2011 at 18:31 , Blogger hannahfaerie said...

grape fanta? those yanks are nutty as :)


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