Tuesday 22 March 2011

by the letter T

Todays post is brought to you by the letter T.

T is for Transit lounge.  If I never see the inside of another airport ever again that is fine by me.

T is For Travel Friend.  A shout out to our nameless friend from Hallett Cove who is on her way to spending a year in Pennsylvania to become a nanny.

T is for ThreeHundered and Sixty degrees.  The urban poet who is trying to change the world one subway car at a time...good luck to him on his next appearance at open night mic night at the Appollo on the the third.

T is for Three Thirty in the morning...the time that my body decided it was time to be wide awake.. That will teach me for sneaking in a sleep between San Fransico and New York.

T is for Thirty...the amount of hours it took us to get from our door to this one.

T is for Terrible Food....I am sorry i cheated on you Qantas. I know you wouldn't try and tell me what I ate was scrambled eggs.

Not long now until we start our adventure proper.  Had a little taste of it last night when we caught the subway in from JFKto the hotel.  Tommorrow we will be more tourist and less traveller....thank goodness.

I had a thought half way accross the Pacific Ocean that  will probably get me in trouble with all the mothers out there.  I made me understod how someone could go back and have a second child after having the first one hurt so much coming out.  I had done this flight before but obviously had somehow forgotten just how long it is, I am sure if remembered there is no way I would have been dragged onto the plane..I guess the fun you have at the end of it all makes you forget about the 21 hours strapped to a chair with your ears about to explode.

Catch you all tomorrow...will have some pictures for you then I am sure...but not until we go and buy ourselves a nice winter coat...The Gabitron says Hi...:)


At 22 March 2011 at 03:57 , Blogger spiffy said...

hi beardythunder. hope you are enjoying travelling wit the gabitron- as you would know, she talks a lot! say hi to her for us. miss you both already, tiff & fos xoxo

At 22 March 2011 at 20:10 , Blogger Bel Harper said...

He he ... interesting metaphor... We go back and have the second baby because the first one is amazing. As i am sure your second U.S adventure will be - probably better because your bride-to-be is beside you....
Get some sleep (and a coat) and get into it!
Hear from you soon
Bel xx
PS all good here - our first taste of winter - 20degrees windy and rain set in...

At 22 March 2011 at 20:20 , Blogger hannahfaerie said...

whoot! second blog post, what a milestone :)
Hope you are having a wonderful time, give Gabitron a big hug for me, and tell her she has to give you one back!
love love


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