Saturday 19 March 2011

One more sleep to go...

Someone asked me the other day if I was going to write a blog of my trip...My initial answer was no but by writing this I am sure it is apparent that the answer to their question is now yes.  Having said that, I haven't left on the trip yet and so far this is just a blog of about being unable to decide if  I am writing a blog of the trip or not.

So why a  blog?:  Basically so I can look back at in 3 years time and say.."Oh wow..I had almost forgotten about that". Apart from that it is cheaper then sending you all a know who you are..

So tomorrow is the big flight...flying out Monday morning our time...arriving in New York City just this side of midnight Monday their time..which reminds me I must ring the hotel and let them know we won't be there until late. (Message to Josh if you are reading this later on and you haven't done this shame on you..I have reminded you twice already).


At 20 March 2011 at 03:16 , Blogger Bel Harper said...

Have fun!!
Look forward to reading the updates...
Love Bel
ps is it just me or do you look just like Dad in your blog profile picture ;) xx

At 20 March 2011 at 20:23 , Blogger beardythunder said...

Funny that, I look like him in real life too :)

At 22 March 2011 at 01:39 , Blogger wayne said...

There is somewhat of a colour and quantity difference, otherwise it's like looking in a mirror.
love dad


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